Wallet, Keys, Coin pouch, Sunglasses, Handy pliers/flashlight thingy, collection of coffee shop stamp cards (all almost full). Matches from Marea (good memories connected to those matches), Book "Quicksand by Robert Ashley", USB drive, iPhone charger, Komboloi (greek worry beads - I do sweet tricks w/ these things - it's like pen flipping) Name: Nikolai A.
Skinny Vinny Bag:
Hawthorn MessengerWhen did you get it?: May 2012
Occupation: Flame Artist / Art Director
Location: Greenpoint, Brooklyn
@satansponies "I use the bag everyday, I think that about says it.Quick side note: I enjoy opening my bag every time that I do, I always see people looking at the color of the inside and seeming surprised."
Vinny (noreply@blogger.com)
Vinny (noreply@blogger.com)